Invited talk on Near Memory Computing ABUMPIMP @ Euro-Par 2024

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Prof. Castrillon deliver a talk on “High-level programming abstractions and compilation for near and in-memory computing” at the 2nd Minisymposium on Applications and Benefits of UPMEM commercial Massively Parallel Processing- In-Memory Platform (ABUMPIMP 2024) which was co-located with this year’s International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2024). In the talk, Jeronimo talked about high-level abstractions and compilation using MLIR, with focus on recent work on compilers for UPMEM and memristive crossbars (CINM), compilers for CAM-based accelerators (C4CAM) and compilers for logic-in-memory (Sherlock). The presentations touched upon projects results from EVEREST, the SPP2377 and SCADS.AI among others.

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