Archive: cfaed Upcoming Events


52nd Biennial Assembly of the German Colloid Society


MAKRO 2024 - Polymers for a Sustainable Future

Dr. Bernd Rellinghaus u.a.

LNdW am DCN: Kleine Dinge ganz groß

Dr. Francesca Moresco u.a.

LNdW am cfaed: Die Welt der Moleküle

Stephen A. Edwards

Computer Science Department, Columbia University, USA

The Sparse Synchronous Model

Prof. Dirk Brockmann

TU Dresden

Complexity - Doing Science Like a Fungus

Dr. René Hammer

point electronic

Hands-on Workshop: EBIC on the TEM - STEBIC


MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023

Prof. Dr. Yana Vaynzof

cfaed, TU Dresden / IFW

Emerging Electronic Technologies: University-Wide Inaugural Lecture Prof. Yana Vaynzof

Dr. Minghao Yu

TU Dresden

2D layered materials for sustainable energy storage applications

Prof. Madhavan Swaminathan

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

The Future of Heterogeneous Integration – Challenges & Opportunities



Prof. Dr. Shayan Mookherjea

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego, USA

High-performance Electro-optic Modulators and Nonlinear Optics Using Thin-film Lithium Niobate


Dresden Microelectronics Academy (DMA) 2023


Summer School: Fraunhofer Photonica

Prof. Pavan Nukala

Indian Institute of Science

Ferroelectric doped HfO2 films

Prof. Dr. Carlota Canalias

KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Recent advances in domain structuring in KTP for quantum technologies applications

Prof. Francesca Iacopi

University of Technology Sydney, Faculty of Engineering and IT

IEEE Distinguished Lecture: Graphene on cubic silicon carbide: integrated functionalities on silicon

Prof. Roberto Calandra

TU Dresden, Learning, Adaptive Systems and Robotics (LASR) Lab

Towards Embodied Intelligence


Novel High-k Application Workshop

Prof. Wang Meng

TU Dresden, Chair of Traffic Process Automation

String stability of autonomous vehicles and decentralized truck platoon coordination

Prof. Artur Erbe

Institute of Semiconductors and Microsystems (TUD) / HZDR

Inaugural Lecture: Integration nanoelektronischer Materialien für elektronische Bauteile und Sensoren

Dr. Klaus Attenkofer

ALBA Synchrotron


Dr. Katherina Haase

TU Dresden, cfaed, Organic Devices

Solution-coated electronics: transforming soluble materials into high-performance devices

Prof. Dr. Yana Vaynzof

TU Dresden / IFW Dresden

Lecture: Metal Halide Perovskites beyond Photovoltaics

PD Dr. Rico Wittwer

TU Dresden, "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

How are we navigating the campus today and how will we do so in 2035? – Join the discussion!

Atiqah Fairuz Salleh

UNU-FLORES (UNU Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources)

Women@DDc Event: Virtual Lunch Meeting "Flexible Office Concept"

Dr. Malte Schröder

cfaed, TU Dresden

Gut geplant ist halb geradelt - Vortrag und Diskussion

Prof. Marc Timme

TU Dresden, cfaed

Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Systems

Dr.-Ing. Asif Ali Khan

TU Dresden / cfaed

Harnessing the Full Potential of In-memory Computing: The Programmability Perspective

Lukáš Sekanina

Brno University of Technology, CZ

Evolutionary Design of Approximate Circuits

Dr. Erika Covi

NaMLab gGmbH

From emerging devices to cognitive systems

Sascha Hermann

TU Chemnitz / Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nanosystems (ENAS)

Technology and perspectives for integrated nanodevices

Martin Ziegler

Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Institute of Micro- and Nanotechnologies (IMN) MacroNano®, Technische Universität Ilmenau

Bio-Inspired Information Pathways

Prof. Marc Timme zu Gast in der Reihe "Physik am Samstag"

TU Dresden, cfaed

Zukunftsfähige und nachhaltige Mobilität?

Prof. Elizabeth von Hauff

Fraunhofer FEP & TU Dresden

Energy Technologies: The Magic Is at the Interface

Prof. Yuri Gogtsi

A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel University, USA

2D Carbides, Nitrides, Oxycarbides, and Carbonitrides (MXenes) Expand the Nanomaterials World

Prof. Axel Lubk

IFW Dresden & IFMP / TU Dresden

Advanced Electron Optics and Microscopy for Solid State Physics

Prof. Dr. Roland Leißa

University of Mannheim

An Extensible, Higher-Order Intermediate Representation

Rong Wang

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Assessing techno-economic feasibility of solar photovoltaic (PV) technology

Prof. Alexei Gruverman

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Nanoelectronic Phenomena in Low-Dimensional Ferroelectrics

Dr. Agnė Žukauskaitė

Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology - FEP

Development of aluminum scandium nitride thin films by magnetron sputter epitaxy for SAW applications

Dr. Andres Goens

The University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics

Towards compilers for correct-by-construction hardware design

cfaed / TU Dresden, Bosch, Globalfoundries, Infineon, X-Fab

20th Dresden Microelectronics Academy - cfaed Summer School

Prof. Alex Jones

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Meet me at CORUSCANT for Some POD-RACING on Racetracks

Dr. Artur Erbe

HZDR, cfaed

DNA Mitteldeutschland Workshop

Prof. Hadi Heidari

James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK

Microelectronics: from human-machine interfacing to quantum computing

Prof. Robert Alicki // Prof. Alejandro Jenkins


Fraunhofer FEP Seminar

Graphene 2022

Prof. Vijaykrishnan Narayanan

The Pennsylvania State University

Ferroelectric-based Logic and Memory Architectures

Manideep Dunna

University of California, San Diego

Transforming communication using backscatter

Dr. Florian Dirnberger

Department of Physics, City College of New York, USA

Strongly correlated excitons & exciton-polaritons in van der Waals magnetic crystals

Prof. Giovanni De Micheli


Design and optimization of Quantum Electronic circuits

Prof. Benjamin Friedrich

(PoL / TU Dresden - cfaed / CMCB / Faculty of Physics)

Mathematik in der Physik des Lebens (Mathematics in the physics of life)


Topology and Materials Course

Prof. Ben Lear

The Pennsylvania State University

Rapid on-demand curing of thermally cured thermosets enabled by photothermal heating

Dr. Matteo Cucchi

Laboratory for Soft Bioelectronic Interfaces, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Organic electrochemical networks for biocompatible and implantable machine learning

"Semiconductors for Breakfast"- Series

Sam Seddon

Department of Physics, University of Warwick Coventry, UK

Local investigations of coupled order parameters in multiferroics

Prof. Dr. Matthieu Le Tacon

Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies, KIT, Karlsruhe

Tuning of charge density waves in correlated metals – New results and insights

Prof. Alexey Chernikov

TU Dresden/ct.qmat

Inaugural Lecture: Quantum materials light up!

Prof. Ron Naaman

Dept. of Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel

Chiral Material and the Electrons’ Spin - A Miraculous Match

Dr. Archana Raja

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Ultrafast thermal transport at photoexcited 2D van der Waals interfaces

Prof. Harald H. Rose

Ulm University, Electron Microscopy Group of Materials Science

Novel Theory of the Structure of the Electron

Dr. Elisha Krieg

Leibniz IPF // TU Dresden

Programmable materials powered by DNA nanotechnology

Prof. Christian Joachim + Dr. Francesca Moresco

TU Dresden, cfaed

CANCELLED +++ Nanocar Race II - Public Talk

Prof. Benjamin Friedrich

TU Dresden / cfaed / PoL

Inaugural Lecture: Dynamics in cells and tissues: Synchronization in cilia carpets

Dr. Florian Auras

Cambridge University, UK

Opto- and electroactive semiconductor architectures

Prof. Christian Pilato

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Electronic system-level design for data and IP protection

Prof. Benjamin Friedrich, Dr. Veikko Geyer

EXZ-Cluster 'Phyiscs of Life', cfaed, CMCB / B-CUBE

Physik des Lebens: Wie Nano-Motoren Bewegung ins Leben bringen - Reihe "Physik am Samstag"

Prof. Alex Jones

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Sustainable Computing: It’s 10pm, do you know where your CO2 is?

MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2021

Prof. Elizabeth von Hauff

Fraunhofer FEP // TU Dresden

In-situ tools for energy conversion and sensing – new directions in Dresden

IMAGING SCIENCE - Die Schönheit der Wissenschaft

PD Dr. Daniel Hiller

IHM, TU Dresden

Förderangebote der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung

Prof. Dr. Siegfried Eigler

AG Eigler, CarbonNanoMaterials, Freie Universität Berlin

CRC1415 Seminar: Chemistry and physical properties of graphene with wet-chemically prepared defects

Prof. Dr. Anatole von Lilienfeld

Department of Physics, University of Vienna

nanoSeminar Series 2021: Quantum Machine Learning

Prof. Dr. Yana Vaynzof

TU Dresden, cfaed, Faculty of Physics

Inaugural Lecture - Mapping the Energetic Landscape of Solution-Processed Organic Photovoltaic Devices

Prof. Dr. Neus Sabaté

Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona IMB-CNM-CSIC

nanoSeminar Series 2021: Designing Single Use Sensors in a More Sustainable Approach

Prof. Janina Maultzsch

Department of Physics Condensed Matter, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen

CRC 1415 Seminar Series: Optical and vibrational properties of novel 2D materials

Prof. Dr. Hermann Kohlstedt

Speaker, Kiel University

cfaed Seminar: CRC 1461: Neurotronics - Bio-inspired Information Pathways

Dr. Andrés Castellanos-Gómez

The Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM), Spain

CRC Seminar Series: Drawing circuits on paper with van der Waals materials”

Prof. Libai Huang

Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA

CRC Seminar Series: "Ultrafast Dynamic Microscopy of Exciton and Charge Transport"


2nd IEEE 5G++ Online Summit Dresden

Prof. Yana Vaynzof

TU Dresden, cfaed

Women in Science - Panel Discussion

Prof. Claudia Felser et al.


Comprehensive Course on Topology and Magnetism

Picture a Scientist


Women in Science - Documentary film 'Picture A Scientist'

Prof. Eugenio Coronado

ICMol Institute at the University of Valencia, Spain

Interfacing 2D materials with magnetic functional molecules

Dr Alexey Chernikov

Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, Germany

CRC 1415 Seminar Series: Mobile excitations in 2D inorganic and hybrid materials

Prof. Michel Armand

CIC energiGUNE, Spain

Recent Developments in Polymer Electrolytes, the T+ Conundrum

Dr. Malte Schröder

TU Dresden, cfaed

Statistical Physics and Collective Dynamics of Human Mobility

Dr. Ralph Ernstorfer

Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany

Ultrafast dynamics of electrons, excitons and phonons in momentum space

CANCELLED Michael F. Toney

Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Light Source, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University

CANCELLED Real-time Investigation of Film Formation Pathways in Organic and Hybrid Perovskite Films

Prof. Dr. Beatriz Noheda

Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials and CogniGron University of Groningen

CANCELLED: Tunable resistivity exponents in the metallic phase of epitaxial nickelates

Prof. Erik Bakkers

TU Eindhoven & TU Delft

Semiconductor Nanowires: from classical to quantum

Prof. Dr. Almudena Arcones

Technische Universität Darmstadt Institut für Kernphysik (Theory Center) and GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

Heavy element production in neutron star mergers and corecollapse supernovae

Prof. Dr. Joseph Brader

University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Colloidal dispersions: Model systems for investigating collective behavior

Prof. Dr. Kenichiro Hashimoto

Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (The University of Tokyo), Japan

Crystallization and vitrification of strongly correlated electrons on geometrically frustrated triangular lattices

Prof. Dr. Karl Mannheim

Lehrstuhl für Astronomie und Astrophysik Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Energy extraction from accreting black holes

Dr. Aline Ramires

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden

How unconventional can a superconductor be?

Yuri Alfredovich Berlin

Northwestern University

Intramolecular Charge Transfer in Biomolecules


#HUBTRAIL - Smart Sensor

Prof. Lei Jiang

Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P.R. China

Smart Interfacial Materials with Super-Wettability


1st Dresden Skyrmion Meeting

Prof. Thomas Wågberg

Department of Physics, Umeå University, Sweden

Self-Assembled PCBM Nanosheets and Nanoribbons: A Facile Route to Electronic Layer-on-Layer Heterostructures


National University of Singapore

Spin-Orbit Technologies: From Magnetic Memory to Terahertz Generation


5G & Digital Farming Conference

2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF’19)

Dr. Dmitry Ryndyk

Institute for Materials Science, TU Dresden

On the Way to Quantitative Nanoscale Modeling (TraNaS OpenSuite)

Dr. Lucas Wetzel


Self-organized Synchronization in Electronic Systems

Prof. Ralf Seidel

Leipzig University

DNA-templated fabrication of nanostructures with optic and electronic functionality

Dr. Till Korten

B CUBE / TU Dresden

Molecules That Count - Prospects and Challenges of Network-Based Biocomputation

Prof. Bhavin Shastri

Engineering & Applied Physics (EAP), Queen’s University, Canada

Neuromorphic Silicon Photonics: Light-based Neural Networks

Prof. Thomas Mikolajick

NaMLab gGmbH / TUD

Reconfigurable Nanowire Electronics – A Path beyond Moore´s Law


cfaed colloquium (2012-2019)

Gabriele D'Avino

Institut Néel CNRS, Grenoble, France

Multiscale modelling of organic semiconductors: fundamentals and applications to pristine and doped materials

Jonathan Goldstein

Microsoft Research, Redmond

A.M.B.R.O.S.I.A. - Conferring Immortality on Distributed Applications

Dr. Jos Lenders

Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, and Advanced Optical Materials

Publishing advanced materials science with Wiley under the Projekt DEAL “Publish & Read” agreement – How to maximize your success!

Nicolas Lorente

Centro de Fisica de Materiales (CSIC-EHU) and DIPC

Weakly-bound supramolecular structures: calculations for understanding experiments with the scanning tunneling microscope

Prof. Yury Gogotsi

A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA

Electronic Properties of 2D Transition Metal Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes)

Prof. Zhifeng Ren

Department of Physics and Texas Center for Superconductivity (TcSUH), University of Houston, USA

Challenges and Potential Solutions to Future Energy Need

Professor Tien-Yau Luh

Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

From One-dimensional Ladderphanes to Two-dimensional Stromaphanes

Prof. Shie-Ming Peng

Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan, Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taipei Taiwan

Molecular Metal Wires from Homonuclear Metal String Complexes to Heteronuclear Metal String Complexes


cfaed Summer Science



Prof. Michael Mastalerz

Organisch-Chemisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany

From Soluble Porous Cages to Extended fused π-Systems

Prof. Jong-Lam Lee

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea

IAPP Distinguished Speaker Seminar: Single-crystalline AgCl nanorods for flexible organic light-emitting diodes

Dr. Jeremy P. Allen

Deputy Editor, Chemical Science, Royal Society of Chemistry

My role within a societal publisher and tips on how to publish your scientific research

David Beljonne

Belgian National Science Foundation (FNRS)

Modelling electronic and excitonic processes in organic semiconductors

Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN)

cfaed / DCN @ JUNIORDOKTOR: In The Air Tonight

Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN)

cfaed / DCN @ JUNIORDOKTOR: Schau mir in die Augen Kleines!

Joyce Poon

Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, University of Toronto, Technical University of Berlin

From Optical Communications to the Brain: Integrated 3D Silicon Photonics


Comprehensive Course on Topological Systems




cfaed Summer Festival


EnFI 2018

Graphene 2018

Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Fassbinder

Deutsches Kupferinstitut

614. Elektrotechnisches Kolloquium - LED-Licht – von der Innovation zur Selbstverständlichkeit


Girls' Day

2nd SPM User Meeting

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ercan Altinsoy

TU Dresden

614. Elektrotechnisches Kolloquium


DATE conference

The Chua Lectures

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Leon Chua

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Missing Foundations for Complexity and Intelligence

Dr. Benjamin Friedrich

TU Dresden, cfaed

Habilitationsverfahren von Herrn Dr. Benjamin Friedrich

4. GA Career Day

Prof. Marc Timme

Chair for Network Dynamics Institute for Theoretical Physics & Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed)

Physics Colloquium – Antrittsvorlesung

Engineering Life 2017


WerkstoffWoche 2017

IEEE 5G Summit Dresden

HAEC Summer School

NanoBioSensor Conference

Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP)

Workshop „Organic Electronics“


14th European Conference on Molecular Electronics

cfaed Summer Festival

Prof. Dr. Robert Metzger

Dept. Chemistry, U Alabama, former Mercator Professor at TU Dresden

Nanoscience: A personal perspective

Various speakers

Micromotors Summer School




Research Festival 2017


Science Match – Future Technologies

Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld


Solarzellen, Leuchtdioden und Transistoren aus dem Drucker

HIGHTECH Venture Days


Tomahawk 4 Evaluation Platform Workshop

Prof. Sebastian Gönnenwein

TU Dresden

Antrittsvorlesung: Spin Current Transport

cfaed Fall Research Festival

cfaed Sommerfest

Prof. Akash Kumar

TU Dresden, cfaed, Chair for Processor Design

Inaugural Lecture: Design Methodologies for Reliable and Energy-Efficient Multiprocessor System

Spring Research Festival 2016

Date 2016

Silicon & Diamond Photonics

2nd Research Services Day

Workshop Attributgrammatiken

Grand Professor Week

Semicon Europa 2015

Hightech Venture Days

Engineering Life 2015

150 Jahre Benzolformel

Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2015

Ivo Sbalzarini, Carsten Rother

TU Dresden - Faculty of Computer Science

Inaugural Talk Ivo Sbalzarini and Carsten Rother

European Biophysics Congress

cfaed Sommerfest

Prof. Frank H. P. Fitzek

TU Dresden, Professur Kommunikationsnetze

ANTRITTSVORLESUNG: Netzwerkkodierung für zukünftige Kommunikationssysteme

European Polymer Congress 2015

Dietrich R.T.Zahn, Sibylle Gemming, Annemarie Pucci, Pierre-Michel Adam, Stephan Winnerl

TU Chemnitz, U Heidelberg, U Troyes, U Tübingen, HZ Dresden-Rossendorf

Plasmonics for Nanostructure Characterisation

Prof. Dr. Alexander V. Kabanov

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery

German THz Conference 2015

Prof. Ingmar Kalfass, Dr. Martin Claus

Universität Stuttgart, TU Dresden

Semiconductor Devices Characterization Seminar Dresden

Colloquium Cryptography

Girls' Day at cfaed

Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti u.a.

TU Dresden / cfaed

Lingner Podium: "Die globalisierte Wissenschaft"

Maike Lindner & Claudia Reichert

TU Dresden Welcome Center

Who will pay my pension someday…? Information event on pension rights for internationally mobile researchers

TU Dresden, cfaed Chair for Compiler Construction

cfaed INAUGURAL - PROF. JERONIMO CASTRILLON: Compilers for Multi and Many Processor Systems

Prof. Gerhard Fettweis

TU Dresden, Vodafone-Stiftungsprofessur Mobile Nachrichtensysteme / Koordinator Exzellenzcluster cfaed und SFB HAEC

Highlights aus dem Netzwerk: 5G Lab Germany

cfaed Grand Professor Week

Various Speakers


Fall Research Festival

various speakers

cfaed Processor Design Symposium

cfaed Summer Fest

cfaed Research Festival