ESiM at the Dresden Long Night of Science

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ESiM @Dresden Long Night of Science 2023
ESiM PhD student explains the functioning of scanning tunneling microscopy to a guest


On June 30, 2023, from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM, the TUD Dresden partner opened its state-of-the-art laboratory in the Barkhausen building to the public as part of the Long Night of Science 2023 in Dresden. This annual event, a tradition in Dresden since its inception in 2003, aims to bring science and research closer to the public by offering a behind-the-scenes look at various scientific institutions and their work.

Overall, the Long Night of Science 2023 saw a remarkable turnout, attracting over 30,000 visitors across the city. The event featured a wide range of activities and presentations from numerous research facilities, universities, and institutions, all dedicated to fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of scientific endeavors.

During this special evening at the Barkhausen building, the focus was on demonstrating the working principles of scanning tunneling microscopy and showcasing the activities of the ESiM (Energy Storage in Molecules) project. Visitors, including school children from Dresden, university students, and adults, were given the unique opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research focused on storing energy at the molecular level. The demonstrations and interactive sessions provided valuable insights into the intricate processes and advanced technologies employed in this groundbreaking field.

The Long Night of Science not only aims to educate and inspire the public but also seeks to spark interest in scientific careers among young people and to highlight the critical role of research and innovation in addressing global challenges. The event successfully bridges the gap between the scientific community and the public, fostering a culture of curiosity and lifelong learning.

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