SMM Group News

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group photo of six persons belonging to Single Molecule Machines Research Group

The Single Molecule Machines group welcomes Pranjit Das, Natasha Khera and Franz Plate who joined the group in the last months.

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Published on in MORESCO GROUP NEWS

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woman holding a sheet of paper with text "we're hiring"

Our group offers a position as

Research associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)

Terms: 75 % of the full-time weekly hours

Topic: Molecular manipulation and on-surface synthesis investigations by scanning
probe microscopy at low temperature

The successful candidate will use scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and non-contact atomic force
microscopy (AFM) at low and variable temperatures to experimentally investigate the mechanical and
electronic properties of single molecules on a supporting surface.

Closing date: 13 January 2023

More information here

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ESiM kickoff meeting - group photo of the project collaborators

From Wednesday, 22 June until today, the collaborators of the ESiM Project (Energy Storage in Molecules) came together in Dresden for their initial meeting. The project partners from Germany, Spain, France, and The Netherlands presented their individual work packages and discussed the roadmap of the 4-year project.

The European Pathfinder Open project ESiM, led by cfaed SMM Group Leader Dr. Francesca Moresco, aims to use intramolecular properties (rotations, conformational changes) for energy storage. ESiM investigates storing (and releasing) of energy in a few specific intramolecular degrees of freedom. The project combines theory and simulation, molecular design and synthesis, scanning probe microscopy and manipulation, solid-state physics and nanotechnology.

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In March 2022, the international "NanoCar Race" will take place for the second time. A science event of a special kind: Eight teams from three continents will compete to 'speed' their self-developed molecular racing cars over a surface of gold for 24 hours. The size of the race cars: a few nanometers, 50 to 200 atoms. The length of the race track: around 200 nanometers. The venue: Toulouse, but strictly speaking, only the drivers sit there, while the 'racetracks' are in eight different remote laboratories around the world - including the only German one at TU Dresden.

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The EU HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDEROPEN proposal Energy Storage in Molecules (ESiM) was recently approved and will tentatively start in April 2022.
ESiM aims at creating the scientific basis for addressing the pressing challenges of a scalable clean energy storage. The ESiM strategy makes use of the conformational degrees of freedom of organic molecules, which will be arranged in dense molecular arrays on a surface. This concept circumvents the limits of battery technology which is based on ions flow and on environmentally harmful substances.

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The Single Molecule Machines Group is participating in the International Nanocar Race II on March 24-25, 2022 in CEMES-CNRS Toulouse. The Dresden team GAzE (German Azulene Explorer) includes Dr. Franziska Lissel and Oumaima Aiboudi (IPF Dresden) for the chemical synthesis, Dr. Dmitry Ryndyk (TU Dresden) for model calculations, and the complete Single Molecule Machine group as pilots and coordinators.
The race will be live broadcasted via the cfaed YouTube channel.

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Congratulations to Tim Kühne, who defended on 2 December 2021 his PhD thesis!

Title: “Inelastic STM as a tool for the electronic manipulation of single molecules”

Tim will remain at TU Dresden in the Single Molecule Machines group as a postdoc.