2850 Publications found with the applied filter.

  • 2025

  • Asif Ali Khan, Hamid Farzaneh, Karl F. A. Friebel, Clément Fournier, Lorenzo Chelini, Jeronimo Castrillon, "CINM (Cinnamon): A Compilation Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Compute In-Memory and Compute Near-Memory Paradigms" (to appear), Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'25), Association for Computing Machinery, Mar 2025. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Alexander Brauckmann, Anderson Faustino da Silva, Jeronimo Castrillon, Hugh Leather, "DFA-Net: A Compiler-Specific Neural Architecture for Robust Generalization in Data Flow Analyses" (to appear), Proceedings of the 34th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2025), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Mar 2025. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Anderson Faustino da Silva, Jeronimo Castrillon, Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira, "A Comparative Study on the Accuracy and the Speed of Static and Dynamic Program Classifiers" (to appear), Proceedings of the 34th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2025), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Mar 2025. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Francesca Palumbo, Francesco Ratto, Claudio Rubattu, Maria Katiuscia Zedda, Tiziana Fanni, Veena Rao, Bart Driessen, Jeronimo Castrillon, "Key Enabling Technologies for Cognitive Computing Continuum – MYRTUS Project Perspective" (to appear), Proceedings of the 2025 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 6pp, Mar 2025. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Tao Zhang, Shu Chen, Petko St. Petkov, Peng Zhang, Haoyuan Qi, Nguyen Ngan Nguyen, Wenjie Zhang, Jiho Yoon, Peining Li, Thomas Brumme, Alexey Alfonsov, Zhongquan Liao, Mike Hambsch, Shunqi Xu, Lars Mester, Vladislav Kataev, Bernd Büchner, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Ehrenfried Zschech, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Ute Kaiser, Thomas Heine, Renhao Dong, Rainer Hillenbrand, Xinliang Feng, "Two-dimensional polyaniline crystal with metallic out-of-plane conductivity", In Nature, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Feb 2025. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Max Sponner, Lorenzo Servadei, Bernd Waschneck, Robert Wille, Akash Kumar, "PEAX - A Model Augmentation Framework for Adaptive Techniques and Embedded Applications", Proceedings of the 2025 Workshop on Compilers, Deployment, and Tooling for Edge AI, ACM, Jan 2025. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Zhiyong Wang, Hio-Ieng Un, Tsai-Jung Liu, Baokun Liang, Miroslav Polozij, Mike Hambsch, Jonas F. Pöhls, R. Thomas Weitz, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Ute Kaiser, Thomas Heine, Henning Sirringhaus, Xinliang Feng, Renhao Dong, "A Low‐Symmetry Copper Benzenehexathiol Coordination Polymer with In‐Plane Electrical Anisotropy", In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley, Jan 2025. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Preetam Dacha, Anju Kumari R, Darius Pohl, Angelika Wrzesińska‐Lashkova, Alexander Tahn, Bernd Rellinghaus, Yana Vaynzof, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, "Solution Shearing of Sustainable Aluminum Oxide Thin Films for Compliance‐Free, Voltage‐Regulated Multi‐Bit Memristors", In Advanced Electronic Materials, Wiley, Jan 2025. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Yuhao Liu, Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "Bitwise Systolic Array Architecture for Runtime-Reconfigurable Multi-precision Quantized Multiplication on Hardware Accelerators" (to appear), In Proceeding: 2025 26th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), pp. 1-8, 2025. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • 2024

  • Maryam Eslami, Yuhao Liu, Salim Ullah, Mostafa E. Salehi, Reshad Hosseini, Seyed Ahmad Mirsalari, Akash Kumar, "MONO: Enhancing Bit-Flip Resilience With Bit Homogeneity for Neural Networks", In IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 333–336, Dec 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Felix Reißmann, "An MLIR-based compiler flow for memristive-crossbar accelerators", Master's thesis, TU Dresden, Nov 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Behnaz Ranjbar, Paul Justen, Akash Kumar, "GNN-MiCS: Graph Neural-Network-Based Bounding Time in Embedded Mixed-Criticality Systems" (to appear), In IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), October 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Shaokai Lin, Tassilo Tanneberger, Jiahong Bi, Guangyu Feng, Ruomu Xu, Julian Robledo, Robert Khasanov, Jeronimo Castrillon, "Navigating Time and Energy Trade-offs in Reactive Heterogeneous Systems", In IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, special issue on Time-Centric Reactive Software (TCRS, ESWeek 2024), IEEE, Oct 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Julian Robledo, Christian Menard, Erling Jellum, Edward A. Lee, Jeronimo Castrillon, "Timing enclaves for performance in Lingua Franca", In Proceeding: 2024 Forum for Specification and Design Languages (FDL), pp. 1-9, Sep 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • João Paulo C. de Lima, Benjamin F. Morris III, Asif Ali Khan, Jeronimo Castrillon, Alex K. Jones, "Count2Multiply: Reliable In-memory High-Radix Counting", Arxiv, pp. 1-14, Sep 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jiahong Bi, Guilherme Korol, Jeronimo Castrillon, "Leveraging the MLIR infrastructure for the computing continuum", In Proceeding: CPS Workshop 2024, Sep 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • H. Mehrabian, A. Kumar, "FedPoll: A Novel Robustness and Communication-Efficient Aggregation Method", In Proceeding: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Federated Learning Technologies and Applications (FLTA24), pp. 1-9, Sep 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Suchetana Sarkar, Berta Álvarez, Kwan Ho Au‐Yeung, Agustín Cobas, Roberto Robles, Nicolás Lorente, Diego Peña, Dolores Pérez, Francesca Moresco, "On‐Surface Stepwise Double Dehydrogenation for the Formation of a para‐Quinodimethane‐Containing Undecacene Isomer", In Chemistry – A European Journal, Wiley, Sep 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Benedict Mehnert, "Lingua Franca in Robotics", Master's thesis, TU Dresden, Sep 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Shaoling Bai, Katherina Haase, Mike Hambsch, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, "Organic Multibit Phototransistor Memories with High External Quantum Efficiency", In Advanced Electronic Materials, Wiley, Aug 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jeronimo Castrillon, "High-level programming abstractions and compilation for near and in-memory computing", In Minisymposium on Applications and Benefits of UPMEM commercial Massively Parallel Processing-In-Memory Platform (ABUMPIMP 2024) @ Euro-Par 2024 (invited talk), Aug 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Preetam Dacha, Katherina Haase, Angelika Wrzesińska‐Lashkova, Darius Pohl, Roman Maletz, Vojtech Millek, Alexander Tahn, Bernd Rellinghaus, Christina Dornack, Yana Vaynzof, Mike Hambsch, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, "Eco‐Friendly Approach to Ultra‐Thin Metal Oxides‐ Solution Sheared Aluminum Oxide for Half‐Volt Operation of Organic Field‐Effect Transistors", In Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley, Jul 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Marcus Rossel, "An Equality Saturation Tactic for Lean", Master's thesis, TU Dresden, Jul 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Salim Ullah, Soumyo Bhattacharjee, Akash Kumar, "AxOCS: Scaling FPGA-Based Approximate Operators Using Configuration Supersampling", In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 2646–2659, Jun 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Hamid Farzaneh, João Paulo Cardoso De Lima, Ali Nezhadi Khelejani, Asif Ali Khan, Mahta Mayahinia, Mehdi Tahoori, Jeronimo Castrillon, "SHERLOCK: Scheduling Efficient and Reliable Bulk Bitwise Operations in NVMs", Proceedings of the 61th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC'24), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Jun 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Salim Ullah, Soumyo Bhattacharjee, Akash Kumar, "AxOCS: Scaling FPGA-Based Approximate Operators Using Configuration Supersampling", In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 2646–2659, Jun 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Christian Menard, "Deterministic Reactive Programming for Cyber-physical Systems", PhD thesis, TU Dresden, 205 pp., Jun 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Shaokai Lin, Erling Jellum, Mirco Theile, Tassilo Tanneberger, Binqi Sun, Chadlia Jerad, Ruomu Xu, Guangyu Feng, Christian Menard, Marten Lohstroh, Jeronimo Castrillon, Sanjit Seshia, Edward Lee, "PretVM: Predictable, Efficient Virtual Machine for Real-Time Concurrency", Jun 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Marcus Rossel, Andrés Goens, "Bridging Syntax and Semantics of Lean Expressions in E-Graphs", Proceedings of the 2024 EGRAPHS workshop, Jun 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Till Smejkal, Robert Khasanov, Jeronimo Castrillon, Hermann Härtig, "E-Mapper: Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Traditional Operating Systems on Heterogeneous Processors", Jun 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Anna‐Lena Hofmann, Jakob Wolansky, Mike Hambsch, Felix Talnack, Eva Bittrich, Lucy Winkler, Max Herzog, Tianyi Zhang, Tobias Antrack, L. Conrad Winkler, Jonas Schröder, Moritz Riede, Stefan C.B. Mannsfeld, Johannes Benduhn, Karl Leo, "Strategies to Control Crystal Growth of Highly Ordered Rubrene Thin Films for Application in Organic Photodetectors", In Advanced Optical Materials, Wiley, Jun 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Leonard David Bereholschi, Mikail Yayla, Jian-Jia Chen, Kuan-Hsun Chen, Asif Ali Khan, "Evaluating the Impact of Racetrack Memory Misalignment Faults on BNNs Performance", Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS), Jun 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Francesca Palumbo, Maria Katiuscia Zedda, Tiziana Fanni, Alessandra Bagnato, Luca Castello, Jeronimo Castrillon, Roberto Del Ponte, Yansha Deng, Bart Driessen, Mauro Fadda, Tristan Halna du Fretay, Julio de Oliveira Filho, Veena Rao, Francesco Regazzoni, Alfonso Rodríguez, Melanie Schranz, Giulia Sedda, "MYRTUS: Multi-layer 360 dYnamic orchestration and interopeRable design environmenT for compute-continUum Systems", Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF'24), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 101–106, New York, NY, USA, May 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Yuhao Liu, Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "BitSys: Bitwise Systolic Array Architecture for Multi-precision Quantized Hardware Accelerators", In Proceeding: 2024 IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), IEEE, pp. 220–220, May 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Hamid Farzaneh, João Paulo Cardoso de Lima, Mengyuan Li, Asif Ali Khan, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, Jeronimo Castrillon, "C4CAM: A Compiler for CAM-based In-memory Accelerators", Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'24), Volume 3, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 164–177, New York, NY, USA, May 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Stephanie Soldavini, Felix Suchert, Serena Curzel, Michele Fiorito, Karl Friedrich Alexander Friebel, Fabrizio Ferrandi, Radim Cmar, Jeronimo Castrillon, Christian Pilato, "Etna: MLIR-Based System-Level Design and Optimization for Transparent Application Execution on CPU-FPGA Nodes", Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Symposium On Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM) (extended abstract), 1pp, May 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Yonghang Yang, Baokun Liang, Jakob Kreie, Mike Hambsch, Zihao Liang, Cheng Wang, Senhe Huang, Xin Dong, Li Gong, Chaolun Liang, Dongyang Lou, Zhipeng Zhou, Jiaxing Lu, Yang Yang, Xiaodong Zhuang, Haoyuan Qi, Ute Kaiser, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Wei Liu, Armin Gölzhäuser, Zhikun Zheng, "Elastic films of single-crystal two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks", In Nature, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, May 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jonas Kublitski, Giacomo Londi, Felix Talnack, Mike Hambsch, Shen Xing, Jakob Wolansky, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Koen Vandewal, Johannes Benduhn, Karl Leo, David Beljonne, Donato Spoltore, "The Role of Acceptor Properties on the Hole Transport Mechanism in Low-Donor-Content Organic Solar Cells", In Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (ACS), Apr 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Max Sponner, Bernd Waschneck, Akash Kumar, "Adapting Neural Networks at Runtime: Current Trends in At-Runtime Optimizations for Deep Learning", In ACM Computing Surveys, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Apr 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "AxOMaP  : Designing FPGA-based A ppro x imate Arithmetic O perators using Ma thematical P rogramming", In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 1–28, Apr 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "AxOMaP  : Designing FPGA-based A ppro x imate Arithmetic O perators using Ma thematical P rogramming", In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 1–28, Apr 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "AxOMaP  : Designing FPGA-based A ppro x imate Arithmetic O perators using Ma thematical P rogramming", In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 1–28, Apr 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "AxOMaP  : Designing FPGA-based A ppro x imate Arithmetic O perators using Ma thematical P rogramming", In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 1–28, Apr 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "AxOMaP: Designing FPGA-based Approximate Arithmetic Operators using Mathematical Programming", In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), pp. 1–28, April 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • João Paulo C. de Lima, Asif Ali Khan, Luigi Carro, Jeronimo Castrillon, "Full-Stack Optimization for CAM-Only DNN Inference", Proceedings of the 2024 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), IEEE, pp. 1-6, Mar 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Christian Pilato, Subhadeep Banik, Jakub Beránek, Fabien Brocheton, Jeronimo Castrillon, Riccardo Cevasco, Radim Cmar, Serena Curzel, Fabrizio Ferrandi, Karl F. A. Friebel, Antonella Galizia, Matteo Grasso, Paulo Silva, Jan Martinovic, Gianluca Palermo, Michele Paolino, Andrea Parodi, Antonio Parodi, Fabio Pintus, Raphael Polig, David Poulet, Francesco Regazzoni, Burkhard Ringlein, Roberto Rocco, Katerina Slaninova, Tom Slooff, Stephanie Soldavini, Felix Suchert, Mattia Tibaldi, Beat Weiss, Christoph Hagleitner, "A System Development Kit for Big Data Applications on FPGA-based Clusters: The EVEREST Approach", Proceedings of the 2024 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 6pp, Mar 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Michael Niemier, Zephan Enciso, Mohammad Mehdi Sharifi, X. Sharon Hu, Ian O'Connor, Alexander Graening, Ravit Sharma, Puneet Gupta, Jeronimo Castrillon, João Paulo C. de Lima, Asif Ali Khan, Hamid Farzaneh, Nashrah Afroze, Asif Islam Khan, Julien Ryckaert, "Smoothing Disruption Across the Stack: Tales of Memory, Heterogeneity, and Compilers", Proceedings of the 2024 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), IEEE, pp. 1–10, Mar 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Vikash Kumar, Behnaz Ranjbar, Akash Kumar, "Motivating the Use of Machine-Learning For Improving Timing Behaviour of Embedded Mixed-Criticality Systems" (to appear), In Proceeding: 2024 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Mar. 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Zhiyong Wang, Shuai Fu, Wenjie Zhang, Baokun Liang, Tsai‐Jung Liu, Mike Hambsch, Jonas F. Pöhls, Yufeng Wu, Jianjun Zhang, Tianshu Lan, Xiaodong Li, Haoyuan Qi, Miroslav Polozij, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Ute Kaiser, Mischa Bonn, R. Thomas Weitz, Thomas Heine, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Hai I. Wang, Renhao Dong, Xinliang Feng, "A Cu3BHT‐Graphene van der Waals Heterostructure with Strong Interlayer Coupling for Highly Efficient Photoinduced Charge Separation", In Advanced Materials, Wiley, Mar 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Vikash Kumar, Behnaz Ranjbar, Akash Kumar, "Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques for Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation on GPU Architectures", In IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–15, March 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jeronimo Castrillon, "Automatic optimization for heterogeneous in-memory computing", In Focus Session, Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) (invited talk), Mar 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jinxin Liu, Yunxu Chen, Xing Huang, Yanhan Ren, Mike Hambsch, David Bodesheim, Darius Pohl, Xiaodong Li, Marielle Deconinck, Bowen Zhang, Markus Löffler, Zhongquan Liao, Fengxiang Zhao, Arezoo Dianat, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Yana Vaynzof, Junfeng Gao, Jingcheng Hao, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Xinliang Feng, Renhao Dong, "On-liquid-gallium surface synthesis of ultrasmooth thin films of conductive metal–organic frameworks", In Nature Synthesis, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Mar 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Xiaohui Liu, Xiaodong Li, Xingyuan Chu, Bowen Zhang, Jiaxu Zhang, Mike Hambsch, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Mino Borrelli, Markus Löffler, Darius Pohl, Yuanwu Liu, Zhen Zhang, Xinliang Feng, "Giant Blue Energy Harvesting in Two‐Dimensional Polymer Membranes with Spatially Aligned Charges", In Advanced Materials, Wiley, Feb 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Shaoling Bai, Katherina Haase, Jonathan Perez Andrade, Mike Hambsch, Felix Talnack, Vojtech Millek, Anupam Prasoon, Jinxin Liu, Kerstin Arnhold, Susanne Boye, Xinliang Feng, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, "Impact of Thermal Annealing on the Dissolution of Semiconducting Polymer Thin Films", In Advanced Electronic Materials, Wiley, Feb 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Ye Yang, Davood Sabaghi, Chang Liu, Arezoo Dianat, David Muecke, Haoyuan Qi, Yannan Liu, Mike Hambsch, Zhi-Kang Xu, Minghao Yu, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Ute Kaiser, Renhao Dong, Zhiyong Wang, Xinliang Feng, "On‐Water Surface Synthesis of Vinylene‐Linked Cationic Two‐Dimensional Polymer Films as the Anion‐Selective Electrode Coating", In Angewandte Chemie, Wiley, Feb 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Robert Khasanov, Marc Dietrich, Jeronimo Castrillon, "Flexible Spatio-Temporal Energy-Efficient Runtime Management", In Proceeding: 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC’24), pp. 777–784, Jan 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Caio Vieira, Jeronimo Castrillon, Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck, "Hyperdimensional Computing Quantization with Thermometer Codes", In Proceeding: 6th Workshop on Accelerated Machine Learning (AccML), co-located with 19th International Conference on High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC), 7pp, Jan 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Asif Ali Khan, Fazal Hameed, Taha Shahroodi, Alex K. Jones, Jeronimo Castrillon, "Efficient Memory Layout for Pre-alignment Filtering of Long DNA Reads Using Racetrack Memory", In IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, IEEE, 4pp, Jan 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Asif Ali Khan, João Paulo C. De Lima, Hamid Farzaneh, Jeronimo Castrillon, "The Landscape of Compute-near-memory and Compute-in-memory: A Research and Commercial Overview", Jan 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Kwan Ho Au-Yeung, Suchetana Sarkar, Sattwick Haldar, Pranjit Das, Tim Kühne, Dmitry A. Ryndyk, Preeti Bhauriyal, Stefan Kaskel, Thomas Heine, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Andreas Schneemann, Francesca Moresco, "Tuning the Planarity of an Aromatic Thianthrene-Based Molecule on Au(111)", In The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 128, no. 4, pp. 1855–1861, Jan 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Paul Jungmann, Julia Poray, Akash Kumar, "Analytical Uncertainty Propagation in Neural Networks", In IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–14, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Vaidehi Lapalikar, Preetam Dacha, Mike Hambsch, Yvonne J. Hofstetter, Yana Vaynzof, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Michael Ruck, "Influence of chemical interactions on the electronic properties of BiOI/organic semiconductor heterojunctions for application in solution-processed electronics", In Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Paul Jungmann, Julia Poray, Akash Kumar, "Analytical Uncertainty Propagation in Neural Networks", In IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–14, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • G. Noble, S. Nalesh, S. Kala, Akash Kumar, "Configurable sparse matrix - matrix multiplication accelerator on FPGA: A systematic design space exploration approach with quantization effects", In Alexandria Engineering Journal, vol. 91, pp. 84-94, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Vikash Kumar, Behnaz Ranjbar, Akash Kumar, "Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques for Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation on GPU Architectures", In IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–1, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Neha Ashar, Gopal Raut, Vasundhara Trivedi, Santosh Kumar Vishvakarma, Akash Kumar, "QuantMAC: Enhancing Hardware Performance in DNNs with Quantize Enabled Multiply-Accumulate Unit", In IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–1, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Zahra Ebrahimi, Akash Kumar, "GREEN: An Approximate SIMD/MIMD CGRA for Energy-Efficient ProcessiNg at the Edge", In IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–1, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Nima Kavand, Armin Darjani, Giulio Galderisi, Jens Trommer, Thomas Mikolajick, Akash Kumar, "REDCAP: Reconfigurable RFET-based Circuits Against Power Side-Channel Attacks" (to appear), In Proceeding: 2024 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Niladri Bhattacharjee, Viktor Havel, Suruchi Kumari, Nima Kavand, Jorge Navarro Quijada, Akash Kumar, Thomas Mikolajick, Jens Trommer, "Dynamic Reconfigurable Security Cells based on Emerging Devices Integrable in FDSOI Technology" (to appear), In Proceeding: 2024 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Vikash Kumar, Behnaz Ranjbar, Akash Kumar, "ESOMICS: ML-Based Timing Behaviour Analysis For Efficient Mixed-Criticality System Design", In IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–1, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Elias Trommer, Bernd Waschneck, Akash Kumar, "Smaller together: Groupwise Encoding of Sparse Neural Networks", In IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–1, 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Armin Darjani, Nima Kavand, Shubham Rai, Akash Kumar, "Thwarting GNN-based attacks against logic locking", In IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–1, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Preston Brazzle, Benjamin F. Morris III au2, Evan McKinney, Peipei Zhou, Jingtong Hu, Asif Ali Khan, Alex K. Jones, "Towards Error Correction for Computing in Racetrack Memory", 2024. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Elias Trommer, Bernd Waschneck, Akash Kumar, "Fast Retraining of Approximate CNNs for High Accuracy", In IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–1, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Max Sponner, Lorenzo Servadei, Bernd Waschneck, Robert Wille, Akash Kumar, "Efficient Post-Training Augmentation for Adaptive Inference in Heterogeneous and Distributed IoT Environments", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems Architectures Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS), 2024. (Best poster award) [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Max Sponner, Lorenzo Servadei, Bernd Waschneck, Robert Wille, Akash Kumar, "Leveraging Temporal Patterns: Automated Augmentation to Create Temporal Early Exit Networks for Efficient Edge AI", In IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–1, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Kwan Ho Au-Yeung, Suchetana Sarkar, Christian Joachim, Francesca Moresco, "Driving a Single Chemisorbed Molecule-Rotor by Thermal Energy and Tunneling Electrons", Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 179–197, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Xiangkun Jia, Lorenzo Soprani, Giacomo Londi, Seyed Mehrdad Hosseini, Felix Talnack, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Safa Shoaee, Dieter Neher, Sebastian Reineke, Luca Muccioli, Gabriele D’Avino, Koen Vandewal, David Beljonne, Donato Spoltore, "Molecularly induced order promotes charge separation through delocalized charge-transfer states at donor–acceptor heterojunctions", In Materials Horizons, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 173–183, 2024. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • 2023

  • Anupam Prasoon, Xiaoqing Yu, Mike Hambsch, David Bodesheim, Kejun Liu, Angelica Zacarias, Nguyen Ngan Nguyen, Takakazu Seki, Aerzoo Dianat, Alexander Croy, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Philippe Fontaine, Yuki Nagata, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Renhao Dong, Mischa Bonn, Xinliang Feng, "Site-selective chemical reactions by on-water surface sequential assembly", In Nature Communications, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 14, no. 1, Dec 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Anupam Prasoon, Hyejung Yang, Mike Hambsch, Nguyen Ngan Nguyen, Sein Chung, Alina Müller, Zhiyong Wang, Tianshu Lan, Philippe Fontaine, Thomas D. Kühne, Kilwon Cho, Ali Shaygan Nia, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Renhao Dong, Xinliang Feng, "On-water surface synthesis of electronically coupled 2D polyimide-MoS2 van der Waals heterostructure", In Communications Chemistry, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 6, no. 1, Dec 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Mirko Günther, Lars Schütze, Kilian Becher, Thorsten Strufe, Jeronimo Castrillon, "HElium: A Language and Compiler for Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Support for Proxy Re-Encryption", Dec 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jiahong Bi, "A Lowering for High-Level Data Flows to Reconfigurable Hardware", Master's thesis, TU Dresden, Dec 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Rohit Agrawal, Kapil Ahuja, Dhaarna Maheshwari, Mohd Ubaid Shaikh, Mohamed Bouaziz, Akash Kumar, "Parallel FPGA Routers with Lagrange Relaxation", In IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–1, November 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Mark Wijtvliet, Henk Corporaal, Akash Kumar, "Blocks: Auf dem Weg zu Energieeffizienten, Grobkörnigen, Rekonfigurierbaren Architekturen (CGRA)", Springer International Publishing, November 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Lautaro N. Petrauskas, Katherina Haase, Georg C. Schmidt, Arved C. Hübler, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Frank Ellinger, Bahman K. Boroujeni, "Potential Application of Organic Electronics in Electrical Sensing of Insects and Integrated Pest Management towards Developing Ecofriendly Replacements for Chemical Insecticides", In Advanced Science, Wiley, Nov 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jeronimo Castrillon, "Domain-specific programming methodologies for domain-specific and emerging computing systems", In 8th International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware (ESPM2), co-located with the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC23) (invited talk), Nov 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Preetam Dacha, Mike Hambsch, Darius Pohl, Katherina Haase, Markus Löffler, Tianshu Lan, Xinliang Feng, Bernd Rellinghaus, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, "Tailoring the Morphology of a Diketopyrrolopyrrole‐based Polymer as Films or Wires for High‐Performance OFETs using Solution Shearing", In Small Methods, Wiley, Nov 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Marten Lohstroh, Soroush Bateni, Christian Menard, Alexander Schulz-Rosengarten, Jeronimo Castrillon, Edward A. Lee, "Deterministic Coordination Across Multiple Timelines", In ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 23, no. 5, New York, NY, USA, Oct 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Marcus Rossel, Shaokai Lin, Marten Lohstroh, Jeronimo Castrillon, Andrés Goens, "Provable Determinism for Software in Cyber-Physical Systems", Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments, 12pp, Oct 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Till Smejkal, Robert Khasanov, Jeronimo Castrillon, Hermann Härtig, "Management of Energy-Aware Processes in Heterogeneous Architectures", In Poster at the 29th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP’23 Posters), Oct 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Salim Ullah, Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Akash Kumar, "Designing Resource-Efficient Hardware Arithmetic for FPGA-Based Accelerators Leveraging Approximations and Mixed Quantizations", Chapter in Embedded Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical, IoT, and Edge Computing, Springer International Publishing, pp. 89–119, Oct 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Yuhao Liu, Shubham Rai, Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "High Flexibility Designs of Quantized Runtime Reconfigurable Multi-Precision Multipliers", In IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, pp. 1-1, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jörg Henkel, Lokesh Siddhu, Lars Bauer, Jürgen Teich, Stefan Wildermann, Mehdi Tahoori, Mahta Mayahinia, Jeronimo Castrillon, Asif Ali Khan, Hamid Farzaneh, João Paulo C. de Lima, Jian-Jia Chen, Christian Hakert, Kuan-Hsun Chen, Chia-Lin Yang, Hsiang-Yun Cheng, "Special Session – Non-Volatile Memories: Challenges and Opportunities for Embedded System Architectures with Focus on Machine Learning Applications", Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis of Embedded Systems (CASES), pp. 11–20, Sep 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "$\less$i$\greater$AxOTreeS$\less$/i$\greater$ : A $\less$u$\greater$Tree$\less$/u$\greater$ $\less$u$\greater$S$\less$/u$\greater$ earch Approach to Synthesizing FPGA-based $\less$u$\greater$A$\less$/u$\greater$ ppro $\less$u$\greater$x$\less$/u$\greater$ imate $\less$u$\greater$O$\less$/u$\greater$ perators", In ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), vol. 22, no. 5s, pp. 1–26, Sep 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "AxOTreeS: A Tree Search Approach to Synthesizing FPGA-Based Approximate Operators", In ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 22, no. 5s, New York, NY, USA, Sep 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Yuankang Zhao, Salim Ullah, Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Akash Kumar, "NvMISC: Towards an FPGA-Based Emulation Platform for RISC-V and Non-Volatile Memories", In IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–1, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Edward A. Lee, Ravi Akella, Soroush Bateni, Shaokai Lin, Marten Lohstroh, Christian Menard, "Consistency vs. Availability in Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems", In ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), vol. 22, no. 5s, pp. 1–24, Sep 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jeronimo Castrillon, "Next-generation compilers for emerging systems", In Workshop on Compilers, Deployment, and Tooling for Edge AI (CODAI’23), co-located with the ESWeek (keynote), Sep 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Behnaz Ranjbar, Alireza Ejlali, Akash Kumar, "Quality-of-Service Aware Design and Management of Embedded Mixed-Criticality Systems", Springer, September 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jin-Jiang Zhang, Kun Liu, Yao Xiao, Xiuling Yu, Li Huang, Hong-Jun Gao, Ji Ma, Xinliang Feng, "Precision Graphene Nanoribbon Heterojunctions by Chain-Growth Polymerization", In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley, vol. 62, no. 41, Sep 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Mingchao Wang, Gang Wang, Chandrasekhar Naisa, Yubin Fu, Sai Manoj Gali, Silvia Paasch, Mao Wang, Haiko Wittkaemper, Christian Papp, Eike Brunner, Shengqiang Zhou, David Beljonne, Hans-Peter Steinrück, Renhao Dong, Xinliang Feng, "Poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline)-Ladder-Type Two-Dimensional Conjugated Covalent Organic Framework for Fast Proton Storage", In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley, Sep 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Shu-Jen Wang, Sebastian Hutsch, Felix Talnack, Marielle Deconinck, Shiyu Huang, Zongbao Zhang, Anna-Lena Hofmann, Heiner Thiersch, Hans Kleemann, Yana Vaynzof, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Frank Ortmann, Karl Leo, "Band Structure Engineering in Highly Crystalline Organic Semiconductors", In Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 35, no. 18, pp. 7867–7874, Sep 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Soroush Bateni, Marten Lohstroh, Hou Seng Wong, Hokeun Kim, Shaokai Lin, Christian Menard, Edward A. Lee, "Risk and Mitigation of Nondeterminism in Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems", In Proceeding: 21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE), Hamburg, Germany, September 21-22 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Christian Menard, Marten Lohstroh, Soroush Bateni, Mathhew Chorlian, Arthur Deng, Peter Donovan, Clément Fournier, Shaokai Lin, Felix Suchert, Tassilo Tanneberger, Hokeun Kim, Jeronimo Castrillon, Edward A. Lee, "High-Performance Deterministic Concurrency using Lingua Franca", In ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Aug 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Katherina Haase, Felix Talnack, Shabnam Donnhäuser, Alexander Tahn, Markus Löffler, Mike Hambsch, Stefan C.B. Mannsfeld, "A simple lithography-free approach for the fabrication of top-contact OFETs with sub-micrometer channel length", In Organic Electronics, Elsevier BV, vol. 119, pp. 106819, Aug 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Mingming Gao, Zhiyong Wang, Zaichun Liu, Ying Huang, Faxing Wang, Mingchao Wang, Sheng Yang, Junke Li, Jinxin Liu, Haoyuan Qi, Panpan Zhang, Xing Lu, Xinliang Feng, "2D Conjugated Metal\textendashOrganic Frameworks Embedded with Iodine for High-Performance Ammonium-Ion Hybrid Supercapacitors", In Advanced Materials, Wiley, Aug 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Haoyong Yang, Qihao Sun, Zhongquan Liao, Mike Hambsch, Xuerong Liu, Daheng Wu, Birgit Jost, Yuejun Zhang, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Qunji Xue, Xinliang Feng, Xiaojian Zhu, Tao Zhang, "Interfacial Engineering of Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films for Biomimetic Photoadaptative Sensors", In Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 35, no. 17, pp. 7144–7153, Aug 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Kejun Liu, Julien Rehault, Baokun Liang, Mike Hambsch, Yingying Zhang, Sezer Seckin, Yunxia Zhou, Rishi Shivhare, Peng Zhang, Miroslav Polozij, Tobias A. F. König, Haoyuan Qi, Shengqiang Zhou, Andreas Fery, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Ute Kaiser, Thomas Heine, Natalie Banerji, Renhao Dong, Xinliang Feng, "A Quasi-2D Polypyrrole Film with Band-Like Transport Behavior and High Charge-Carrier Mobility", In Advanced Materials, Wiley, vol. 35, no. 40, Aug 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Kwan Ho Au-Yeung, Suchetana Sarkar, Tim Kühne, Oumaima Aiboudi, Dmitry A. Ryndyk, Roberto Robles, Franziska Lissel, Nicolas Lorente, Christian Joachim, Francesca Moresco, "Thermal with Electronic Excitation for the Unidirectional Rotation of a Molecule on a Surface", In The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 127, no. 34, pp. 16989–16994, Aug 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Behnaz Ranjbar, Ali Hosseinghorban, Akash Kumar, "ADAPTIVE: Agent-Based Learning for Bounding Time in Mixed-Criticality Systems", In Proceeding: Design Automation Conference (DAC), pp. 1-6, July 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Armin Darjani, Nima Kavand, Shubham Rai, Akash Kumar, "Discerning the Limitations of GNN-Based Attacks on Logic Locking", In Proceeding: Design Automation Conference (DAC), pp. 1-6, July 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Felix Suchert, Lisza Zeidler, Jeronimo Castrillon, Sebastian Ertel, "ConDRust: Scalable Deterministic Concurrency from Verifiable Rust Programs", In Proceeding: 37th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2023) (Ali, Karim and Salvaneschi, Guido), Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, vol. 263, pp. 33:1–33:39, Dagstuhl, Germany, Jul 2023. (ECOOP 2023 Distinguished Artifact Award) [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • João Paulo C. de Lima, Asif Ali Khan, Hamid Farzaneh, Jeronimo Castrillon, "Efficient Associative Processing with RTM-TCAMs", In Proceeding: 1st in-Memory Architectures and Computing Applications Workshop (iMACAW), co-located with the 60th Design Automation Conference (DAC'23), 2pp, Jul 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Lars Schütze, Jeronimo Castrillon, "Towards Virtual Machine Support for Contextual Role-Oriented Programming Languages", Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity (COP'23), Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1–8, New York, NY, USA, Jul 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Yamei Liu, Heng Zhang, Hongde Yu, Zhongquan Liao, Silvia Paasch, Shunqi Xu, Ruyan Zhao, Eike Brunner, Mischa Bonn, Hai I. Wang, Thomas Heine, Mingchao Wang, Yiyong Mai, Xinliang Feng, "A Thiophene Backbone Enables Two-Dimensional Poly(arylene vinylene)s with High Charge Carrier Mobility", In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley, Jul 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Wenhui Niu, Yubin Fu, Gianluca Serra, Kun Liu, Jörn Droste, Yeonju Lee, Zhitian Ling, Fugui Xu, José D. Cojal González, Andrea Lucotti, Jürgen P. Rabe, Michael Ryan Hansen, Wojciech Pisula, Paul W. M. Blom, Carlos-Andres Palma, Matteo Tommasini, Yiyong Mai, Ji Ma, Xinliang Feng, "Bottom-up Solution Synthesis of Graphene Nanoribbons with Precisely Engineered Nanopores", In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley, Jul 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Xiaodong Li, Li Li, Guangbo Chen, Xingyuan Chu, Xiaohui Liu, Chandrasekhar Naisa, Darius Pohl, Markus Löffler, Xinliang Feng, "Accessing parity-forbidden d-d transitions for photocatalytic CO2 reduction driven by infrared light", In Nature Communications, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 14, no. 1, Jul 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Facai Wei, Tingting Zhang, Renhao Dong, Yong Wu, Wenda Li, Jianwei Fu, Chengbin Jing, Jiangong Cheng, Xinliang Feng, Shaohua Liu, "Solution-based self-assembly synthesis of two-dimensional-ordered mesoporous conducting polymer nanosheets with versatile properties", In Nature Protocols, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 2459–2484, Jul 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Hanfeng Zhou, Panlong Li, En Zhang, Jonas Kunigkeit, Xiongjun Zhou, Katherina Haase, Maria Rita Ortega Vega, Shuwen Wang, Xiaosa Xu, Julia Grothe, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Eike Brunner, Katsumi Kaneko, Stefan Kaskel, "General Design Concepts for CAPodes as Ionologic Devices", In Angewandte Chemie, Wiley, vol. 135, no. 34, Jul 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • J. Zhang, J. Reif, C. Strobel, P. Chava, A. Erbe, A. Voigt, T. Mikolajick, R. Kirchner, "Dry release of MEMS origami using thin Al2O3 films for facet-based device integration", In Micro and Nano Engineering, Elsevier BV, vol. 19, pp. 100179, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Guilherme Korol, Michael Guilherme Jordan, Mateus Beck Rutzig, Jeronimo Castrillon, Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck, "Design Space Exploration for CNN Offloading to FPGAs at the Edge", In Proceeding: 2023 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Karl F. A. Friebel, Jiahong Bi, Jeronimo Castrillon, "BASE2: An IR for Binary Numeral Types", In Proceeding: 13th International Symposium on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART 2023), Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 19–26, New York, NY, USA, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Salim Ullah, Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Akash Kumar, "CoOAx: Correlation-aware Synthesis of FPGA-based Approximate Operators", Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2023, ACM, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Huanhuan Shi, Mengmeng Li, Shuai Fu, Christof Neumann, Xiaodong Li, Wenhui Niu, Yunji Lee, Mischa Bonn, Hai I. Wang, Andrey Turchanin, Ali Shaygan Nia, Sheng Yang, Xinliang Feng, "High-throughput Synthesis of Solution-Processable van der Waals Heterostructures through Electrochemistry", In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley, vol. 62, no. 28, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Guangbo Chen, Ruihu Lu, Chenzhao Li, Jianmin Yu, Xiaodong Li, Lingmei Ni, Qi Zhang, Guangqi Zhu, Shengwen Liu, Jiaxu Zhang, Ulrike I. Kramm, Yan Zhao, Gang Wu, Jian Xie, Xinliang Feng, "Hierarchically Porous Carbons with Highly Curved Surfaces for Hosting Single Metal FeN$\less$sub$\greater$4$\less$/sub$\greater$ Sites as Outstanding Oxygen Reduction Catalysts", In Advanced Materials, Wiley, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Yannan Liu, Yiyue Lu, Arafat Hossain Khan, Gang Wang, Yong Wang, Ahiud Morag, Zhiyong Wang, Guangbo Chen, Shengyun Huang, Naisa Chandrasekhar, Davood Sabaghi, Dongqi Li, Panpan Zhang, Dongling Ma, Eike Brunner, Minghao Yu, Xinliang Feng, "Redox-Bipolar Polyimide Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework Cathodes for Durable Aluminium Batteries", In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley, vol. 62, no. 30, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Christos Polyzoidis, Konstantinos Rogdakis, George Veisakis, Dimitris Tsikritzis, Payam Hashemi, Hyejung Yang, Zden\vek Sofer, Ali Shaygan Nia, Xinliang Feng, Emmanuel Kymakis, "Piezo-Phototronic In$\less$sub$\greater$2$\less$/sub$\greater$Se$\less$sub$\greater$3$\less$/sub$\greater$ Nanosheets as a Material Platform for Printable Electronics toward Multifunctional Sensing Applications", In Advanced Materials Technologies, Wiley, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Mingchao Wang, Shuai Fu, Petko Petkov, Yubin Fu, Zhitao Zhang, Yannan Liu, Ji Ma, Guangbo Chen, Sai Manoj Gali, Lei Gao, Yang Lu, Silvia Paasch, Haixia Zhong, Hans-Peter Steinrück, Enrique Cánovas, Eike Brunner, David Beljonne, Mischa Bonn, Hai I. Wang, Renhao Dong, Xinliang Feng, "Exceptionally high charge mobility in phthalocyanine-based poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline)-ladder-type two-dimensional conjugated polymers", In Nature Materials, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 880–887, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Fupeng Wu, Ana Barragán, Aurelio Gallardo, Lin Yang, Kalyan Biswas, David Écija, Jesús I. Mendieta-Moreno, José I. Urgel, Ji Ma, Xinliang Feng, "Structural Expansion of Cyclohepta[def]fluorene towards Azulene-embedded Non-benzenoid Nanographenes", In Chemistry \textendash A European Journal, Wiley, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Margarethe Hauck, Lena M. Saure, Berit Zeller-Plumhoff, Sören Kaps, Jörg Hammel, Caprice Mohr, Lena Rieck, Ali Shaygan Nia, Xinliang Feng, Nicola M. Pugno, Rainer Adelung, Fabian Schütt, "Overcoming Water Diffusion Limitations in Hydrogels Via Microtubular Graphene Networks for Soft Actuators", In Advanced Materials, Wiley, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Chuanhui Huang, Xinglong Shang, Xinyuan Zhou, Zhe Zhang, Xing Huang, Yang Lu, Mingchao Wang, Markus Löffler, Zhongquan Liao, Haoyuan Qi, Ute Kaiser, Dana Schwarz, Andreas Fery, Tie Wang, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Guoqing Hu, Xinliang Feng, Renhao Dong, "Hierarchical conductive metal-organic framework films enabling efficient interfacial mass transfer", In Nature Communications, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 14, no. 1, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Suchetana Sarkar, Kwan Ho Au-Yeung, Tim Kühne, Albrecht Waentig, Dmitry A. Ryndyk, Thomas Heine, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Xinliang Feng, Francesca Moresco, "Adsorption and reversible conformational change of a thiophene based molecule on Au(111)", In Scientific Reports, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 13, no. 1, Jun 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Raghul Saravanan, Sathwika Bavikadi, Shubham Rai, Akash Kumar, Sai Manoj Pudukotai Dinakarrao, "Reconfigurable FET Approximate Computing-Based Accelerator for Deep Learning Applications", In Proceeding: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), IEEE, May 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Elias Trommer, Bernd Waschneck, Akash Kumar, "Combining Gradients and Probabilities for Heterogeneous Approximation of Neural Networks", In Proceeding: International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS), IEEE, May 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Nima Kavand, Armin Darjani, Shubham Rai, Akash Kumar, "Design of Energy-efficient RFET-based Exact and Approximate 4:2 Compressors and Multipliers", In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, pp. 1-1, May 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jeronimo Castrillon, "Intermediate abstractions and optimizing compilers for adaptable HPC", In 4th Workshop on LLVM Compiler and Tools for HPC (LLVM-CTH’23), co-located with the 38th ISC High Performance Conference (invited talk), May 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Yuhao Liu, Shubham Rai, Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "NetPU-M: a Generic Reconfigurable Neural Network Accelerator Architecture for MLPs", In Proceeding: 2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), pp. 85-92, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Lukas Sporrer, Guojun Zhou, Mingchao Wang, Vasileios Balos, Sergio Revuelta, Kamil Jastrzembski, Markus Löffler, Petko Petkov, Thomas Heine, Angieszka Kuc, Enrique Cánovas, Zhehao Huang, Xinliang Feng, Renhao Dong, "Near IR Bandgap Semiconducting 2D Conjugated Metal-Organic Framework with Rhombic Lattice and High Mobility", In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley, vol. 62, no. 25, May 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Moritz Thümler, Shesha G.\hspace0.167emM. Srinivas, Malte Schröder, Marc Timme, "Synchrony for Weak Coupling in the Complexified Kuramoto Model", In Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS), vol. 130, no. 18, May 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Lukas Sporrer, Guojun Zhou, Mingchao Wang, Vasileios Balos, Sergio Revuelta, Kamil Jastrzembski, Markus Löffler, Petko Petkov, Thomas Heine, Angieszka Kuc, Enrique Cánovas, Zhehao Huang, Xinliang Feng, Renhao Dong, "Near IR Bandgap Semiconducting 2D Conjugated Metal-Organic Framework with Rhombic Lattice and High Mobility", In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley, vol. 62, no. 25, May 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Xia Wang, Minghao Yu, Xinliang Feng, "Electronic structure regulation of noble metal-free materials toward alkaline oxygen electrocatalysis", In eScience, Elsevier BV, pp. 100141, May 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Guilherme Korol, Michael Guilherme Jordan, Mateus Beck Rutzig, Jeronimo Castrillon, Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck, "Pruning and Early-Exit Co-Optimization for CNN Acceleration on FPGAs", Proceedings of the 2023 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), IEEE, pp. 1-6, Apr 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jens Trommer, Niladri Bhattacharjee, Thomas Mikolajick, Sebastian Huhn, Marcel Merten, Mohammed Elkacem Djeridane, ‪Muhammad Hassan, Rolf Drechsler, Shubham Rai, Nima Kavand, Armin Darjani, Akash Kumar, Violetta Sessi, Maximilian Drescher, Sabine Kolodinski, Maciej Wiatr, "Design Enablement Flow for Circuits with Inherent Obfuscation based on Reconfigurable Transistors", In Proceeding: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), IEEE/ACM, April 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Behnaz Ranjbar, Ali Hosseinghorban, Akash Kumar, "Motivating Agent-Based Learning For Bounding Time in Mixed-Criticality Systems", In Proceeding: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), pp. 1-2, April 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Behnaz Ranjbar, Florian Klemme, Paul R. Genssler, Hussam Amrouch, Jinhyo Jung, Shail Dave, Hwisoo So, Kyongwoo Lee, Aviral Shrivastava, Ji-Yung Lin, Pieter Weckx, Subrat Mishra, Francky Catthoor, Dwaipayan Biswas, Akash Kumar, "Learning-Oriented Reliability Improvement of Computing Systems From Transistor to Application Level", In Proceeding: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), pp. 1-10, April 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Ye Yu, Anatol Prudnikau, Vladimir Lesnyak, Robert Kirchner, "Quantum Dots Facilitate 3D Two-Photon Laser Lithography", In Advanced Materials, Wiley, Apr 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Oscar Telschow, Niels Scheffczyk, Alexander Hinderhofer, Lena Merten, Ekaterina Kneschaurek, Florian Bertram, Qi Zhou, Markus Löffler, Frank Schreiber, Fabian Paulus, Yana Vaynzof, "Elucidating Structure Formation in Highly Oriented Triple Cation Perovskite Films", In Advanced Science, Wiley, vol. 10, no. 17, Apr 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Anna Maria Dominic, Zhiyong Wang, Agnieszka Kuc, Petko Petkov, Khoa Hoang Ly, Thi Lam Huong Pham, Martin Kutzschbach, Yuanyuan Cao, Julien Bachmann, Xinliang Feng, Renhao Dong, Inez M. Weidinger, "Oxidation State Dependent Conjugation Controls Electrocatalytic Activity in a Two-Dimensional Di-Copper Metal\textendashOrganic Framework", In The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 127, no. 15, pp. 7299–7307, Apr 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Yamei Liu, Mingchao Wang, Changlin Dong, Hongde Yu, Yang Lu, Xing Huang, Silvia Paasch, Eike Brunner, Thomas Heine, Fang Song, Florian Auras, Fugui Xu, Yiyong Mai, Xinliang Feng, "A thienyl-benzodithiophene-based two-dimensional conjugated covalent organic framework for fast photothermal conversion", In Journal of Polymer Science, Wiley, Apr 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Renxiang Liu, Yubin Fu, Fupeng Wu, Fupin Liu, Jin-Jiang Zhang, Lin Yang, Alexey A. Popov, Ji Ma, Xinliang Feng, "Modular Synthesis of Structurally Diverse Azulene-Embedded Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Knoevenagel-Type Condensation", In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley, vol. 62, no. 21, Apr 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Behnaz Ranjbar, Amit Kumar Singh, Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Piotr Dziurzanski, Akash Kumar, "Power Management of Multicore Systems", Chapter in Handbook of Computer Architecture, Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 1–33, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Zahra Ebrahimi, Muhammad Zaid, Mark Wijtvliet, Akash Kumar, "RAPID: Approximate Pipelined Soft Multipliers and Dividers for High Throughput and Energy Efficiency", In IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 712–725, Mar 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Shubham Rai, Alessandro Tempia Calvino, Heinz Riener, Giovanni De Micheli, Akash Kumar, "Utilizing XMG-Based Synthesis to Preserve Self-Duality for RFET-Based Circuits", In IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 914–927, Mar 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Stephanie Soldavini, Karl F. A. Friebel, Mattia Tibaldi, Gerald Hempel, Jeronimo Castrillon, Christian Pilato, "Automatic Creation of High-Bandwidth Memory Architectures from Domain-Specific Languages: The Case of Computational Fluid Dynamics", In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 16, no. 2, New York, NY, USA, Mar 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Carlos Escuin, Asif Ali Khan, Pablo Ibáñez-Marín, Teresa Monreal, Jeronimo Castrillon, Víctor Viñals-Yúfera, "Compression-Aware and Performance-Efficient Insertion Policies for Long-Lasting Hybrid LLCs", In Proceeding: the 29th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA'23), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 179–192, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, Mar 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Asif Ali Khan, Sebastien Ollivier, Fazal Hameed, Jeronimo Castrillon, Alex K. Jones, "DownShift: Tuning Shift Reduction with Reliability for Racetrack Memories", In IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE, Mar 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Johannes Hayeß, "Verifying the Rust Runtime of Lingua Franca", Master's thesis, TU Dresden, March 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Bo Yang, Yanwei Gu, Giuseppe M. Paternò, Joan Teyssandier, Ali Maghsoumi, Alex J. Barker, Kunal S. Mali, Francesco Scotognella, Steven De Feyter, Matteo Tommasini, Xinliang Feng, Akimitsu Narita, Klaus Müllen, "Zigzag-Edged Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Benzo[$\less$i$\greater$m$\less$/i$\greater$]tetraphene Precursors", In Chemistry \textendash A European Journal, Wiley, vol. 29, no. 22, Mar 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Sattwick Haldar, Preeti Bhauriyal, Anthony R. Ramuglia, Arafat H. Khan, Sunel De Kock, Arpan Hazra, Volodymyr Bon, Dominik L. Pastoetter, Sebastian Kirchhoff, Leonid Shupletsov, Ankita De, Mark A. Isaacs, Xinliang Feng, Michael Walter, Eike Brunner, Inez M. Weidinger, Thomas Heine, Andreas Schneemann, Stefan Kaskel, "Sulfide-Bridged Covalent Quinoxaline Frameworks for Lithium\textendashOrganosulfide Batteries", In Advanced Materials, Wiley, vol. 35, no. 16, Mar 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Xiao Chang, Li Huang, Yixuan Gao, Yubin Fu, Ji Ma, Huan Yang, Junzhi Liu, Xiaoshuai Fu, Xiao Lin, Xinliang Feng, Shixuan Du, Hong-Jun Gao, "On-surface synthesis and edge states of NBN-doped zigzag graphene nanoribbons", In Nano Research, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Mar 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Panpan Zhang, Mingchao Wang, Yannan Liu, Yubin Fu, Mingming Gao, Gang Wang, Faxing Wang, Zhiyong Wang, Guangbo Chen, Sheng Yang, Youwen Liu, Renhao Dong, Minghao Yu, Xing Lu, Xinliang Feng, "Largely Pseudocapacitive Two-Dimensional Conjugated Metal\textendashOrganic Framework Anodes with Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital Localized in Nickel-bis(dithiolene) Linkages", In Journal of the American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 145, no. 11, pp. 6247–6256, Mar 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Shaoling Bai, Lin Yang, Katherina Haase, Jakob Wolansky, Zongbao Zhang, Hsin Tseng, Felix Talnack, Joshua Kress, Jonathan Perez, Johannes Benduhn, Ji Ma, Xinliang Feng, Mike Hambsch, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, "Nanographene-Based Heterojunctions for High-Performance Organic Phototransistor Memory Devices", In Advanced Science, Wiley, vol. 10, no. 15, Mar 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Carlos Escuín Blasco, Asif Ali Khan, Pablo Enrique Ibáñez Marín, Teresa Monreal Arnal, Denis Navarro, José M Llaberia Griñó, Jeronimo Castrillon, Victor Viñals Yúfera, "Leveraging data compression for performance-efficient and long-lasting NVM-based last-level cache", In Proceeding: 14th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop: University of California, San Diego, Mar 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Hao-Hua Que, Yu Jin, Tong Wang, Ming-Kai Liu, Xing-Hua Yang, Fei Qiao, "A Survey of Approximate Computing: From Arithmetic Units Design to High-Level Applications", In Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 251–272, Mar 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Ke Wang, Haoyong Yang, Zhongquan Liao, Shengxu Li, Mike Hambsch, Guangen Fu, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Qi Sun, Tao Zhang, "Monolayer-Assisted Surface-Initiated Schiff-Base-Mediated Aldol Polycondensation for the Synthesis of Crystalline sp² Carbon-Conjugated Covalent Organic Framework Thin Films", In Journal of the American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (ACS), Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Berthold Reis, Kai Pfefferkorn, Konstantin B. L. Borchert, Sebastian Gohl, Philipp Zimmermann, Christine Steinbach, Benjamin D. Kohn, Ulrich Scheler, Uta Reuter, Darius Pohl, Simona Schwarz, Martin Mayer, Dana Schwarz, "Conjugated Microporous Polymer Hybrid Microparticles for Enhanced Applicability in Silica-Boosted Diclofenac Adsorption", In Small Structures, Wiley, pp. 2200385, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jeronimo Castrillon, "Programming abstractions and optimizing compilers for energy-efficient computing", In 1st Workshop on NetZero Carbon Computing (NetZero'23), Co-located with the 29th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-29) (invited talk), Feb 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Lucas Kuhrts, Lukas Helmbrecht, Willem L. Noorduin, Darius Pohl, Xiaoxiao Sun, Alexander Palatnik, Cornelia Wetzker, Anne Jantschke, Michael Schlierf, Igor Zlotnikov, "Recruiting Unicellular Algae for the Mass Production of Nanostructured Perovskites", In Advanced Science, Wiley, pp. 2300355, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Lucas Kuhrts, Lukas Helmbrecht, Willem L. Noorduin, Darius Pohl, Xiaoxiao Sun, Alexander Palatnik, Cornelia Wetzker, Anne Jantschke, Michael Schlierf, Igor Zlotnikov, "Recruiting Unicellular Algae for the Mass Production of Nanostructured Perovskites", In Advanced Science, Wiley, vol. 10, no. 11, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Lucas Kuhrts, Lukas Helmbrecht, Willem L. Noorduin, Darius Pohl, Xiaoxiao Sun, Alexander Palatnik, Cornelia Wetzker, Anne Jantschke, Michael Schlierf, Igor Zlotnikov, "Recruiting Unicellular Algae for the Mass Production of Nanostructured Perovskites", In Advanced Science, Wiley, vol. 10, no. 11, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Yannan Liu, Cheng-Hao Liu, Tushar Debnath, Yong Wang, Darius Pohl, Lucas V. Besteiro, Debora Motta Meira, Shengyun Huang, Fan Yang, Bernd Rellinghaus, Mohamed Chaker, Dmytro F. Perepichka, Dongling Ma, "Silver nanoparticle enhanced metal-organic matrix with interface-engineering for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution", In Nature Communications, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 14, no. 1, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Wenhui Niu, Simen Sopp, Alessandro Lodi, Alex Gee, Fanmiao Kong, Tian Pei, Pascal Gehring, Jonathan Nägele, Chit Siong Lau, Ji Ma, Junzhi Liu, Akimitsu Narita, Jan Mol, Marko Burghard, Klaus Müllen, Yiyong Mai, Xinliang Feng, Lapo Bogani, "Exceptionally clean single-electron transistors from solutions of molecular graphene nanoribbons", In Nature Materials, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 180–185, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Yazhou Zhou, Ruihu Lu, Xiafang Tao, Zijie Qiu, Guangbo Chen, Juan Yang, Yan Zhao, Xinliang Feng, Klaus Müllen, "Boosting Oxygen Electrocatalytic Activity of Fe\textendashN\textendashC Catalysts by Phosphorus Incorporation", In Journal of the American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 145, no. 6, pp. 3647–3655, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Davood Sabaghi, Zhiyong Wang, Preeti Bhauriyal, Qiongqiong Lu, Ahiud Morag, Daria Mikhailovia, Payam Hashemi, Dongqi Li, Christof Neumann, Zhongquan Liao, Anna Maria Dominic, Ali Shaygan Nia, Renhao Dong, Ehrenfried Zschech, Andrey Turchanin, Thomas Heine, Minghao Yu, Xinliang Feng, "Ultrathin positively charged electrode skin for durable anion-intercalation battery chemistries", In Nature Communications, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 14, no. 1, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Shengxu Li, Yikun Geng, Bo Teng, Shunqi Xu, Petko Stoev Petkov, Zhongquan Liao, Birgit Jost, Yu Liu, Xinliang Feng, Bozhen Wu, Tao Zhang, "Nature-Inspired Pyrylium Cation-Based Vinylene-Linked Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework for Efficient Sunlight-Driven Water Purification", In Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 1594–1600, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Shengxu Li, Yikun Geng, Bo Teng, Shunqi Xu, Petko Stoev Petkov, Zhongquan Liao, Birgit Jost, Yu Liu, Xinliang Feng, Bozhen Wu, Tao Zhang, "Nature-Inspired Pyrylium Cation-Based Vinylene-Linked Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework for Efficient Sunlight-Driven Water Purification", In Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 1594–1600, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Shengxu Li, Yikun Geng, Bo Teng, Shunqi Xu, Petko Stoev Petkov, Zhongquan Liao, Birgit Jost, Yu Liu, Xinliang Feng, Bozhen Wu, Tao Zhang, "Nature-Inspired Pyrylium Cation-Based Vinylene-Linked Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework for Efficient Sunlight-Driven Water Purification", In Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 1594–1600, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jianfeng Li, Armin Reimers, Ka My Dang, Michael G.K. Brunk, Jonas Drewes, Ulrike M. Hirsch, Christian Willems, Christian E.H. Schmelzer, Thomas Groth, Ali Shaygan Nia, Xinliang Feng, Rainer Adelung, Wesley D. Sacher, Fabian Schütt, Joyce K.S. Poon, "3D printed neural tissues with in situ optical dopamine sensors", In Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Elsevier BV, vol. 222, pp. 114942, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Iwona Janica, Verónica Montes-García, Francesca Urban, Payam Hashemi, Ali Shaygan Nia, Xinliang Feng, Paolo Samorì, Artur Ciesielski, "Covalently Functionalized MXenes for Highly Sensitive Humidity Sensors", In Small Methods, Wiley, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Dongfei Wang, De-Liang Bao, Qi Zheng, Chang-Tian Wang, Shiyong Wang, Peng Fan, Shantanu Mishra, Lei Tao, Yao Xiao, Li Huang, Xinliang Feng, Klaus Müllen, Yu-Yang Zhang, Roman Fasel, Pascal Ruffieux, Shixuan Du, Hong-Jun Gao, "Twisted bilayer zigzag-graphene nanoribbon junctions with tunable edge states", In Nature Communications, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 14, no. 1, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jasper Ruhkopf, Ulrich Plachetka, Michael Moeller, Oliver Pasdag, Ivan Radev, Volker Peinecke, Marco Hepp, Christian Wiktor, Martin R. Lohe, Xinliang Feng, Benjamin Butz, Max C. Lemme, "Graphene Coating of Nafion Membranes for Enhanced Fuel Cell Performance", In ACS Applied Engineering Materials, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 947–954, Feb 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Lisza Zeidler, "Compiling Unikernels into Micro Kernels", Master's thesis, TU Dresden, Feb 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Jeronimo Castrillon, Karol Desnos, Andrés Goens, Christian Menard, "Dataflow Models of Computation for Programming Heterogeneous Multicores", Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 1–40, Singapore, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Rohit Ranjan, Salim Ullah, Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Akash Kumar, "SyFAxO-GeN: Synthesizing FPGA-based Approximate Operators with Generative Networks", Proceedings of the 28th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, ACM, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Karl F. A. Friebel, Asif Ali Khan, Lorenzo Chelini, Jeronimo Castrillon, "Modelling linear algebra kernels as polyhedral volume operations", In Proceeding: 13th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques (IMPACT'23), co-located with 18th International Conference on High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC), Jan 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Kwan Ho Au-Yeung, Suchetana Sarkar, Tim Kühne, Oumaima Aiboudi, Dmitry A. Ryndyk, Roberto Robles, Nicolas Lorente, Franziska Lissel, Christian Joachim, Francesca Moresco, "A Nanocar and Rotor in One Molecule", In ACS Nano, American Chemical Society (ACS), Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Fangyan Liu, Xinliang Feng, Zhong-Shuai Wu, "The key challenges and future opportunities of electrochemical capacitors", In Journal of Energy Chemistry, Elsevier BV, vol. 76, pp. 459–461, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Edward A. Lee, Soroush Bateni, Shaokai Lin, Marten Lohstroh, Christian Menard, "Trading Off Consistency and Availability in Tiered Heterogeneous Distributed Systems", In Intelligent Computing, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), vol. 2, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Olha Aftenieva, Julius Brunner, Mohammad Adnan, Swagato Sarkar, Andreas Fery, Yana Vaynzof, Tobias A. F. König, "Directional Amplified Photoluminescence through Large-Area Perovskite-Based Metasurfaces", In ACS Nano, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 2399–2410, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Olha Aftenieva, Julius Brunner, Mohammad Adnan, Swagato Sarkar, Andreas Fery, Yana Vaynzof, Tobias A. F. König, "Directional Amplified Photoluminescence through Large-Area Perovskite-Based Metasurfaces", In ACS Nano, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 2399–2410, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Fangyan Liu, Xinliang Feng, Zhong-Shuai Wu, "The key challenges and future opportunities of electrochemical capacitors", In Journal of Energy Chemistry, Elsevier BV, vol. 76, pp. 459–461, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Shengxu Li, Rui Ma, Shunqi Xu, Tianyue Zheng, Huaping Wang, Guangen Fu, Haoyong Yang, Yang Hou, Zhongquan Liao, Bozhen Wu, Xinliang Feng, Li-Zhu Wu, Xu-Bing Li, Tao Zhang, "Two-Dimensional Benzobisthiazole-Vinylene-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks Outperform One-Dimensional Counterparts in Photocatalysis", In ACS Catalysis, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1089–1096, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Ke Tian Tan, Samrat Ghosh, Zhiyong Wang, Fuxiang Wen, David Rodríguez-San-Miguel, Jie Feng, Ning Huang, Wei Wang, Felix Zamora, Xinliang Feng, Arne Thomas, Donglin Jiang, "Covalent organic frameworks", In Nature Reviews Methods Primers, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, vol. 3, no. 1, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Marie-Luise Braatz, Nils-Eike Weber, Barthi Singh, Klaus Müllen, Xinliang Feng, Mathias Kläui, Martin Gradhand, "Doped graphene characterized via Raman spectroscopy and magneto-transport measurements", In Journal of Applied Physics, AIP Publishing, vol. 133, no. 2, pp. 025304, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Xing Huang, Shuai Fu, Cong Lin, Yang Lu, Mingchao Wang, Peng Zhang, Chuanhui Huang, Zichao Li, Zhongquan Liao, Ye Zou, Jian Li, Shengqiang Zhou, Manfred Helm, Petko St. Petkov, Thomas Heine, Mischa Bonn, Hai I. Wang, Xinliang Feng, Renhao Dong, "Semiconducting Conjugated Coordination Polymer with High Charge Mobility Enabled by \textquotedblleft4 $\mathplus$ 2\textquotedblright Phenyl Ligands", In Journal of the American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 145, no. 4, pp. 2430–2438, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Romy Peters, Dawon Jang, Daniel Sebastian Jens Wolz, Sungho Lee, Hubert Jäger, Mirko Richter, Chokri Cherif, Kiryl Vasiutovich, Marcus Richter, Xinliang Feng, Thomas Behnisch, Maik Gude, "Investigation of the Influence of Hexabenzocoronene in Polyacrylonitrile-Based Precursors for Carbon Fibers", In Fibers, MDPI AG, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 14, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Daniel William Davies, Giorgio Graziano, Changhyun Hwang, Sang Kyu Park, Wuyue Liu, Dafei Yuan, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, SuYin Grass Wang, Yu-Sheng Chen, Danielle L. Gray, Xiaozhang Zhu, Ying Diao, "Controlling Polymorphic Transitions in n-Type Organic Semiconductor Single Crystals by Alkyl Chain Engineering", In Crystal Growth &amp$\mathsemicolon$ Design, American Chemical Society (ACS), vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 719–728, Jan 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Paul Jungmann, Jeffrey B. Johnson, Eduardo C. Silva, William Taylor, Abdul Hanan Khan, Akash Kumar, "TCAD-enabled Machine Learning - An Efficient Framework to Build Highly Accurate and Reliable Models for Semiconductor Technology Development and Fabrication", In IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1–1, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Zhuoying Chen, Dinesh Kabra, Yana Vaynzof, "Stability of optoelectronic materials and devices: a themed collection", In Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 1608–1609, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Miguel Albaladejo-Siguan, Anatol Prudnikau, Alina Senina, Elisabeth C. Baird, Yvonne J. Hofstetter, Julius Brunner, Juanzi Shi, Yana Vaynzof, Fabian Paulus, "Bis(stearoyl) Sulfide: A Stable, Odor-free Sulfur Precursor for High-Efficiency Metal Sulfide Quantum Dot Photovoltaics", In ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Lucas Ueberricke, Felix Mildner, Yuquan Wu, Elisa Thauer, Tom Wickenhäuser, Wen-Shan Zhang, Yana Vaynzof, Sven M. Elbert, Rasmus R. Schröder, Rüdiger Klingeler, Michael Mastalerz, "Redox-active, porous pyrene tetraone dendritic polymers as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries", In Materials Advances, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Steffen Märcker, Michael Raitza, Shubham Rai, Giulio Galderisi, Thomas Mikolajick, Jens Trommer, Akash Kumar, "Formal Analysis of Camouflaged Reconfigurable Circuits" (to appear), Proceedings 21st International NEWCAS Conference, pp. 1–4, 2023. [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Katelyn P. Goetz, Fabian T. F. Thome, Qingzhi An, Yvonne J. Hofstetter, Tim Schramm, Aymen Yangui, Alexander Kiligaridis, Markus Loeffler, Alexander D. Taylor, Ivan G. Scheblykin, Yana Vaynzof, "Remarkable performance recovery in highly defective perovskite solar cells by photo-oxidation", In Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Felix Suchert, Lisza Zeidler, Jeronimo Castrillon, Sebastian Ertel, "ConDRust: Scalable Deterministic Concurrency from Verifiable Rust Programs (Artifact)", In Dagstuhl Artifacts Series (Suchert, Felix and Zeidler, Lisza and Castrillon, Jeronimo and Ertel, Sebastian), Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 16:1–16:3, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Salim Ullah, Akash Kumar, "Approximate Arithmetic Circuit Architectures for FPGA-based Systems", Springer International Publishing, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Lena M. Saure, Niklas Kohlmann, Haoyi Qiu, Shwetha Shetty, Ali Shaygan Nia, Narayanan Ravishankar, Xinliang Feng, Alexander Szameit, Lorenz Kienle, Rainer Adelung, Fabian Schütt, "Hybrid aeromaterials for enhanced and rapid volumetric photothermal response", arXiv, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Armin Reimers, Ala Bouhanguel, Erik Greve, Morten Möller, Lena Marie Saure, Sören Kaps, Lasse Wegner, Ali Shaygan Nia, Xinliang Feng, Fabian Schütt, Yves Andres, Rainer Adelung, "Multifunctional, Self-Cleaning Air Filters Based on Graphene-Enhanced Ceramic Networks", arXiv, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Zhiyong Wang, Shuai Fu, Wenjie Zhang, Baokun Liang, Tsai Jung Liu, Mike Hambsch, Jonas F. Pöhls, Yufeng Wu, Jianjun Zhang, Tianshu Lan, Xiaodong Li, Haoyuan Qi, Miroslav Polozij, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, Ute Kaiser, Mischa Bonn, R. Thomas Weitz, Thomas Heine, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Hai I Wang, Renhao Dong, Xinliang Feng, "A Cu3BHT-Graphene van der Waals Heterostructure with Strong Interlayer Coupling", arXiv, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Anup Das, Akash Kumar, "Fault Tolerant Architectures", Chapter in Handbook of Computer Architecture, Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 1–44, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Sebastian Obermann, Wenhao Zheng, Jason Melidonie, Steffen Böckmann, Silvio Osella, Nicolás Arisnabarreta, L. Andrés Guerrero-León, Felix Hennersdorf, David Beljonne, Jan J. Weigand, Mischa Bonn, Steven De Feyter, Michael Ryan Hansen, Hai I. Wang, Ji Ma, Xinliang Feng, "Curved graphene nanoribbons derived from tetrahydropyrene-based polyphenylenes $\less$i$\greater$via$\less$/i$\greater$ one-pot K-region oxidation and Scholl cyclization", In Chemical Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), vol. 14, no. 32, pp. 8607–8614, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Gabriela Borin Barin, Marco Di Giovannantonio, Thorsten G. Lohr, Shantanu Mishra, Amogh Kinikar, Mickael L. Perrin, Jan Overbeck, Michel Calame, Xinliang Feng, Roman Fasel, Pascal Ruffieux, "On-surface synthesis and characterization of Teranthene and Hexanthene: Ultrashort graphene nanoribbons with mixed armchair and zigzag edges", arXiv, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]
  • Song Zhang, Felix Talnack, Tanguy Jousselin-Oba, Vinayak Bhat, Yilei Wu, Yusheng Lei, Yoko Tomo, Huaxin Gong, Lukas Michalek, Donglai Zhong, Can Wu, Abderrahim Yassar, Stefan Mannsfeld, Chad Risko, Michel Frigoli, Zhenan Bao, "Shear-aligned large-area organic semiconductor crystals through extended π–π interaction", In Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), vol. 11, no. 26, pp. 8992–9001, 2023. [doi] [Bibtex & Downloads]