Chair News

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The Chair for Compiler Construction welcomes Robert Khasanov, a new researcher, to the team. Robert received his bachelor and master degrees on computer science from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. After that, he did an internship at the Scalable Parallel Computing Lab (ETH Zurich). As of September 2015, Robert will work on the HAEC CRC project.  

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Prof. Castrillon will organize a tutorial at the prestigious International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT). The tutorial will revolve around "Algorithmic Specification, Tools and Algorithms for Programming Heterogeneous Platforms" and will be held on October 18th, 2015 at the The Sir Francis Drake Hotel on Union Square in San Francisco, CA USA. More information is to be found here.

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The third edition of the international Workshop on Virtual Prototyping of Parallel and Embedded Systems (ViPES’2015) took place in the beautiful island of Samos, Greece, on the 19th of July. In his role as program chair, Prof. Castrillon, together with Prof. Cristina Silvano from the Politecnico di Milano, put together a technical program with highly interesting presentations and keynotes. The workshop received submissions from 6 different countries (USA, Germany, China, Greece, Tunisia and Brazil) and was attended by above thirty participants. This edition of the workshop was co-located  with the 15th International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS). Therefore, ViPES profited from both the friendly atmosphere and the in-depth technical discussions that characterize the SAMOS conference, for which ViPES will stay in Samos for at least one more year.

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Andrés Goens from the CC Chair attended this year's International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems (ACACES) in Fiuggi, Italy. Besides learning about new topics, in Fiuggi Andrés had the opportunity to present successful past research and ongoing new topics from the CC Chair at the poster session and meet people working on closely related fields. This was possible thanks to a HiPEAC grant covering the summer school participation.

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Dr. Mauricio Álvarez-Mesa and Andrés Goens

30 June 2015

Mauricio, a postdoc researcher at Prof. B. Juurlink’s group at the TU Berlin, visited the chair for compiler construction. He works at the “Embedded Systems Architectures” group, in topics ranging from low-power embedded systems to massively parallel high-performance systems. Mauricio gave a talk where he addressed the challenges of mapping today’s video codecs to modern architectures, including SIMD instruction and GPUs. He discussed the gap between manual and auto-vectorized code for today’s video applications.

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portrait professor Andy Pimentel

30 June 2015

Andy Pimentel, lead of the Computer Systems Architecture group at the University of Amsterdam, visited the chair for compiler construction on the 24th - 25th of June 2015. With this visit, we kicked off the HiPEAC collaboration and defined a timeline for the stay of our Ph.D. student Andrés Goens at Andy’s group. Andy also gave a cfaed Seminar on “Perspectives on System-level MPSoC Design Space Exploration” (see PDF).

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09 June 2015

Andrés Goens, a Ph.D. student of our CC chair received a grant from the European project HiPEAC. He will visit Prof. Andy Pimentel at the University of Amsterdam to work in a new collaboration between the CC chair and the Computer Systems Architecture group of Prof. Pimentel in Amsterdam. This collaboration shall expand on the research of both groups in mapping applications to heterogeneous multiprocessor systems. We hope this will lead to excellent work!

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08 May 2015

Prof. Castrillon gave a talk at the HiPEAC computing systems week (CSW), in a thematic session on portable libraries for hybrid systems. The session was organized and moderated by Christian Brugger and Christian De Schryver from Microelectronic Systems Design Group at the TU Kaiserslautern. The HiPEAC CSW is an event at which members of the network of excellence convene to discuss topics that revolves around advancing computing. This spring the HiPEAC CSW was held at the University of Oslo from the 4th-8th of May and was attended by 290 researchers from 135 different institutions. Prof. Castrillon talked about extensions to a mapping flow for KPN applications that are needed to support computing platforms with HW and SW accelerated routines. For more information see the presentation slides (and all presentations of the session here).

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30 April 2015

As of beginning of May 2015, the Chair for Compiler Construction welcomes a new researcher to the team. Sebastian Ertel has a background in computer science and worked towards his PhD at the chair from Professor Fetzer at the TU Dresden. He has experience in dataflow languages and compiler analysis to ensure safe concurrent execution of parallel programs. We are very glad to have Sebastian on board!

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Between March 2nd and March 6th PhD students, postdocs and investigators of the Orchestration and Resilience paths of cfaed spent a week of workshops and discussions in the wild winter nature of Geising (Erzgebirge), hosted by the Waldhotel am Aschergraben. Organized by Dr. Marcus Völp and Prof. Castrillon, the retreat’s purpose was to have some time to learn more about each other’s research topics and recent innovations as well as discovering new links and deepening existing research collaborations---or simply getting some things done.
Initially, PhD students of both paths gave a short talk about their research topics receiving valuable feedback from the audience. Moreover, investigators from other paths like HAEC (M. Dörpinghaus), SiNW (Jens Trommer) and CIP (Andreas Richter) were invited to present their newest research results and to get in touch with the people at the retreat. Of course, there were plenty of other highlights such as a plenary talk by Prof. Fettweis on the new 5G Lab Germany, a talk on Storage Class Memories by Dr. C. Mohan and a nice social event in the Eishalle and Ratskeller Geising.