cfaed Publications

ShiftsReduce: Minimizing Shifts in Racetrack Memory 4.0


Asif Ali Khan, Fazal Hameed, Robin Bläsing, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Jeronimo Castrillon, "ShiftsReduce: Minimizing Shifts in Racetrack Memory 4.0", In ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), ACM, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 56:1–56:23, New York, NY, USA, Dec 2019. [doi]


Racetrack memories (RMs) have significantly evolved since their conception in 2008, making them a serious contender in the field of emerging memory technologies. Despite key technological advancements, the access latency and energy consumption of an RM-based system are still highly influenced by the number of shift operations. These operations are required to move bits to the right positions in the racetracks. This paper presents data placement techniques for RMs that maximize the likelihood that consecutive references access nearby memory locations at runtime thereby minimizing the number of shifts. We present an integer linear programming (ILP) formulation for optimal data placement in RMs, and revisit existing offset assignment heuristics, originally proposed for random-access memories. We introduce a novel heuristic tailored to a realistic RM and combine it with a genetic search to further improve the solution. We show a reduction in the number of shifts of up to 52.5%, outperforming the state of the art by up to 16.1%.


author = {Asif Ali Khan and Fazal Hameed and Robin Bl{\"a}sing and Stuart S. P. Parkin and Jeronimo Castrillon},
title = {ShiftsReduce: Minimizing Shifts in Racetrack Memory 4.0},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO)},
issue_date = {December 2019},
volume = {16},
number = {4},
month = dec,
year = {2019},
issn = {1544-3566},
pages = {56:1--56:23},
articleno = {56},
numpages = {23},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3372489},
acmid = {3372489},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
abstract = {Racetrack memories (RMs) have significantly evolved since their conception in 2008, making them a serious contender in the field of emerging memory technologies. Despite key technological advancements, the access latency and energy consumption of an RM-based system are still highly influenced by the number of shift operations. These operations are required to move bits to the right positions in the racetracks. This paper presents data placement techniques for RMs that maximize the likelihood that consecutive references access nearby memory locations at runtime thereby minimizing the number of shifts. We present an integer linear programming (ILP) formulation for optimal data placement in RMs, and revisit existing offset assignment heuristics, originally proposed for random-access memories. We introduce a novel heuristic tailored to a realistic RM and combine it with a genetic search to further improve the solution. We show a reduction in the number of shifts of up to 52.5\%, outperforming the state of the art by up to 16.1\%.},


1912_Khan_TACO [PDF]

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